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Appointments -
in-clinic, telehealth, home visits

You do not need a referral to make an appointment. We offer home visits, if needed.

You do need to make an appointment. Call us on 4406 6614 or book an appointment now.

Bring any letters or imaging reports, your concession cards or health insurance cards and, if you are seeing our podiatrist, your shoes. 

Our clinic is accessible

The street entry has no steps and the clinic has wide doors. A disabled car park space is 50 metres away around the corner in Lyttleton Street.

Your appointment – what to expect

We take a person-focussed view of your health. Your first appointment is longer so we can talk, take a thorough history and assess the problem that has brought you to us. Finally, we work out a management plan that you agree will suit your lifestyle and goals. 

Paying for your appointment

We talk about payment when you book an appointment, so that you know how we do things. If you are seeing us as part of a claim or you are covered by the DVA or an aged care package we will bill them direct. We can help you to claim your private health insurance extras rebates on the spot.

Using a care plan

We offer physio and podiatry services to holders of care plans.

Choosing telehealth appointments

We continue to offer telehealth appointments. You could choose telehealth for your initial or follow up appointment. 

We might suggest that you visit the clinic for more physical assessment or hands-on treatment. A telehealth appointment can be a good way for us to get started before you can come into the clinic or to check your progress or update your program. 

We can achieve a lot in an online consultation. To discuss if telehealth is right for you, contact us to discuss.

Contact Us

Our address

203 Barker St

Castlemaine 3450

Opening hours

Monday - Friday

9am - 5pm

reception unavailable 1pm -2pm

your practitioner may offer appointments outside these hours

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© 2023 Health Actions Castlemaine | by Happy Content

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